Why is fossicking being considered at No. 7 Dam?

    Consideration for a General Permission Area to allow fossicking aligns with the Advancing Mount Morgan Strategy. If successful, fossicking could be a tourism drawcard for Mount Morgan, supporting greater visitation to the town and in turn creating new opportunities for local businesses and groups.

    When will I be able to start fossicking?

    Before licences can be issued for fossicking at No. 7 Dam, a new Land Management Plan (LMP) will need to be completed to include fossicking before a General Permission Area (GPA) can be established. Once a new LMP is approved by the Lands Division, Department of Resources, RRC and the Lands division, can give permission for a GPA to allow people with fossicking licences to use the site.

    Once the GPA is created, the Department of Resources will include the GPA on the register which is accessible on their website. Rockhampton Regional Council will advise the community of the process they will need to follow to be issued a licence to fossick at No. 7 dam.  

    Where will I be able to fossick?

    The designated areas for fossicking at No 7 dam are detailed on this map. 

    Fossickers must also comply with the Special Conditions outlined in their licence. A copy of the draft Special Conditions for No 7 dam can be found here.

    What safety and environmental measures will be in place to preserve No. 7 Dam?

    The GPA contains special conditions that a fossicker must comply with. These special conditions are established to ensure the safety of the site and would take into consideration factors such as access, parking areas, designated areas, the requirement to backfill excavations immediately after use to make them safe for other visitors and reserve users, and contour excavations to the surrounding land surface for example. 

    A copy of the draft Special Conditions outlines some of the proposed special conditions related to No. 7 dam. In addition, the Queensland Government website has information on fossicking rules and responsibilities. Penalties can be issued for fossickers breaching these rules.

    Do I need a licence to fossick?

    Yes, fossickers will require a current fossicking licence, which will able to be obtained through the Queensland Government online, from a regional and district office or from an  authorised agent.

    How much will a licence cost?

    The current fees for fossicking licences in Queensland can be found on the Queensland Government Website. Licences start from $9.33 for an individual for one month.

    What will I be allowed to fossick for and what tools can I use to fossick?

    A fossicking licence will allow you to search for and collect fossicking materials using hand tools and for recreational, tourist and educational purposes only. You can find out more about the fossicking rules and responsibilities on the Queensland Government Website.

    Will I be able to sell my finds from fossicking at No 7 Dam?

    Yes. You can sell the occasional ‘lucky find’ of a gemstone or sell and trade to hobbyists or through fairs and exhibitions. However, you cannot repeatedly remove materials for sale through shops or businesses, or as part of making a living, as this is considered commercial, and requires tenure under the Mineral Resources Act 1989.

    How can I get further information?

    The Advance Rockhampton team can be contacted by email (advancerockhampton@rrc.qld.gov.au) or by calling (07) 4936 8282 during business hours, 8am - 5pm Monday to Friday.