Draft Special Conditions - Fossicking in General Permission Areas Mount Morgan

    • Fossicking must only occur within the general permission area, where it is safe to do so and excluding any dam infrastructure, roads, creeks and gullies, as per the below map.

    • Fossicking is not permitted
      • within the exclusion zones indicated in the map
      • within 10 meters of a walking or mountain bike track/trail
      • within 20 meters of roads or recreational facilities.
      • Within 20 meters of for the highwater level mark of the dam as indicated in the map.
      • within 50 meters of any part of the dam wall, embankment or dam apron.
      • within 10 metres of any stock, infrastructure or improvements (including but not limited to fences, water bores, pump equipment, telecommunication towers, electricity transmitting towers, and gas, oil, or water pipelines).
    • Do not excavate at the toe of the bank of a stream or in a gully.
    • Do not excavate an earth face or create overhangs on steep land or river banks.
    • Ensure excavations do not exceed dimensions of 2 metres x 1 metre and a depth of 0.5 metres. Refill excavations immediately after use to make them safe for other visitors and stock and contour excavations to the surrounding land surface. Replace material that came from depth at depth, and replace surface material on the surface.
    • Fossickers must have a current map and a copy of the ‘Special Conditions’ with them.
    • Fossickers must not enter private property.
    • Fires are not permitted and should not be lit under any circumstances within the general permission area.
    • Strictly no camping allowed within the general permission area.
    • Use only safe working practices.
    • Hand tools only are permitted (including metal detectors). Educator dredges, sluices, dry blowers or machinery of any other type are not permitted.
    • The use of generators is not permitted. Remain at least 100 metres from registered apiary sites (whether hives are present or not). Apiary sites are indicated by signage.
    • Carry all water supplies. No permanent potable water supply is available, and no water may be taken from dams, water bores, pump equipment, bodies of water etc.
    • Ensure children are supervised by an adult at all times.
    • Fossickers acknowledge that the GPA contains various hazards including but not limited to old workings, wildlife, natural terrain, bodies of water and built infrastructure .
    • Leave gates as they are found (i.e. if gate is open – leave it open, if gate is closed, then open it to gain access then close immediately ensuring no animals pass through while open).
    • Do not interfere with any vegetation, stock or wildlife.
    • Keep noise and dust to a minimum.
    • Where dogs are permitted, they must be on a lead and under control at all times. Dogs are not to cause nuisance, or annoy other visitors, stock or wildlife. All dog faeces must be removed from the area and disposed of legally.
    • All rubbish (including organics) must be removed from the area and disposed of legally.
    • As no toilet facilities are available within the GPA, bury human toilet waste in a hole dug into the topsoil at least 10-15cm deep and 100m away from watercourses (or any body of water) or walking tracks. Please fill, cover and disguise the hole.
    • Keep motor vehicles to formed roads and tracks only, and bring no other machinery.
    • Fossickers must comply with any directions given by a sign or notice by Rockhampton Regional Council, Department of Resources or any other authorised department.